More, on another app I could choose an ‘avatar’, a completely lifelike, onscreen simulation of a person to preach it! (I’d probably choose one a bit younger and better looking than me.) I could send the message through digitally and teach the congregation each week without ever leaving the house!
That gives me another thought: I could create and preach to a whole congregation of avatars who would listen attentively, clap and shout ‘Amen!’ every time I paused for breath. Mmmm, that might be a wee bit self-indulgent…
But there you go, we might all be obsolete before long. It’s actually quite sobering and already creating controversy in the workplace.
I’m always comforted by the fact that in the Bible the Lord chooses and seems to actually delight in using real people, flawed humans like us for His purpose and glory. It’s not an excuse for sloppy work but it is encouraging that the Creator still has an affection and a use for us, despite our inconsistencies. He doesn’t want us to be soulless robots or machines, slave to relentless logic. He’d like us to know and serve Him very much as ourselves. With 100% of the colourful personality that makes us human and ‘real’.
We only have to look at Peter and Paul and the other Apostles in the New Testament to get the idea. Imperfect human beings, rescued and renewed by the perfect, incarnate Son of God, filled and directed by the Holy Spirit, building a living fellowship of gratitude, love and joy.
So maybe I’ll not give up my day job just yet. And I’ll be grateful for the little part of His flock I’ve been given to pastor. I’ll try and lead them in the love of the living Lord our Shepherd.
For His are the Kingdom, the power and the glory, forever.