She used to ring faithfully every Sunday evening after watching our church service online and her words were almost identical each time. With old school, Presbyterian modesty she would say, ‘I listened to your service. Very good Dear. Lovely hymns’.
I guess it’s something I took for granted until now. Parents are there to reassure their children that we’re not so bad, that we’re doing something right.
I’m picturing a young child drawing with crayons. It may look to others to be just squiggles on a page but in their imagination it’s a castle with rainbows and unicorns and they just can’t wait to show Daddy when he gets home. Watch the little one glow with happiness as their parents say, ‘Oh it’s lovely, thank you! Let’s put it on the fridge where everyone can see!’
Psalm 107 gives a number of scenarios in which people are in various kinds of need. In the first of these, people have got lost in the desert without food or water. They’re hungry.
And I’m thinking, aren’t we all, even if we’re relatively well off and surrounded with creature comforts?
We’re hungry for a smile, a kind word of encouragement, a little affirmation or even affection that tells us we’re doing ok. Even if we’ve messed up there’s the possibility of forgiveness. We’re not struck out, we still belong on the team.
The chorus line that runs through Psalm 107 is that the members of God’s family can repeatedly call on Him and have our needs met.
‘They cried out to the Lord in their trouble and He delivered them from their distress. He led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle. Let them give thanks to the Lord for His unfailing love and His wonderful deeds for men, for He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.’
Jesus once referred to Himself as the ‘Bread of Life’ and the Holy Spirit as a spring of ‘living water’. He fills His followers with His redeeming love, giving strength and refreshment. In one of His parables the King rewards and commends fruitful servants, saying, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant…come and share your Master’s happiness!’
Now that would be worth hearing! That would be our deepest hunger satisfied. Might it not even motivate us to change our ways now where necessary and strive to live and serve fruitfully every day for our heavenly Master?
May we know His help to do so and live, satisfied in His love, forever.