The kingdom had been divided and then overrun. Jerusalem and Solomon’s once magnificent temple now lay in ruins. The population had been massacred or scattered, the cream of their youth deported and forced to serve the king of Babylon. Daniel was one of these young people. He actually lived there many years and served a succession of foreign kings. There’s no record of him ever returning to the city of his birth.
So this vision was given to a member of a threatened minority in exile in a foreign country and culture. We might see parallels with Christians in present day China or North Korea or indeed in some parts of an increasingly hostile secular western world.
To a vulnerable but godly remnant the Lord grants an amazing vision and a promise.
Daniel was given to see a number of frightening beasts and it becomes clear these represent Babylon and some of the empires that would follow like Persia, Greece and Rome. There will be numerous human kingdoms and empires. Some may feature cruel dictators and for a time seem invincible.
But then it’s as if a curtain is pulled back to reveal a greater perspective. Daniel is granted a glimpse into the throne room of heaven and sees the One Who is really in charge. All of earth’s proud kings and kingdoms must answer to the ultimate authority of Almighty God.
So above the ‘Supreme Courts’ of earth there is a higher seat of judgement and there, careful records are kept of every human deed and attitude.
Now some don’t like the idea of God being a Judge but in the context of Daniel’s dream it’s actually most comforting. For those who have suffered or are suffering injustice and cruelty at the hands of corrupt, beastlike people and institutions here is reassurance. There may be painful challenge in the present but God has set a day in the future when He will judge all things. There will be justice in the end!
God is here described as ‘the Ancient of Days’, the eternal One Who was there from before the earth and its days were created. A blazing fire symbolizes His holiness and purity. A vast number, 10,000 times 10,000 (that’s 100 million) are seen waiting upon the King of heaven and earth, the King of kings and Lord of lords.
When we observe the devastating power of governments and their armies and the destructive power of guns and bombs we can again find comfort in this heavenly perspective of a much higher and greater power. Remember what Jesus said to reassure His followers in Matthew 10? –
‘Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather be afraid of the One Who can destroy both body and soul in hell.’ Then He goes on to assure those who have this reverence and trust in God, ‘Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your Father. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows!’
And here’s where Daniel’s dream becomes less of a nightmare and more a promising vision.
He sees ‘one like a son of man coming with the clouds of heaven’ being given authority by God to establish His kingdom on earth. So just as human kingdoms seem at their darkest and most corrupt, a human being of heavenly origin brings about a new kind of rule. In the midst of humans acting like ferocious beasts heaven invades earth with everlasting light!
Daniel’s vision was carefully recorded and preserved. Years and generations passed and the kingdoms he predicted rose and fell. And six centuries later Eastern scholars who read Daniel’s words saw an unusual light in the heavens and came looking for the kingdom of God.
A divine King wrapped in vulnerable flesh, born in poverty, laid in a manger, rejected and crucified but raised in all glory and authority Whose message of grace and love is captivating hearts and changing lives worldwide to this day!
‘This is our God, the Servant King, Who calls us now to follow Him’. Above the desperate uncertainty of all human activity reigns One to Whom all authority has been given. He is more than able to preserve His people in a foreign land and culture. He can save His servants from the lion’s den! He can preserve His Word of Truth through dark ages to spring fresh light for generations to come.
So rest assured, the ‘meek’ who hunger and thirst for God and seek first His kingdom and righteousness will one day inherit the earth and share their Master’s resurrection glory. The darkness is deep but it will pass. The Light is eternal and Daniel’s vision ends with the promise that Jesus and His holy people will rule forever.
What shall we do meanwhile? How should Christians live in the present, surrounded by darkness and suffering and often threatened with persecution?
We must keep on trusting the King. In the valley of the darkest shadow we can know the comfort of the good Shepherd.
We must keep hold of His Word. Preserve it, study it, practise it. And share this message of urgent truth with any who will listen, in refreshing contrast to the flattering myths of the world.
And we must keep on looking for the coming of God’s kingdom, in all kinds of little ways day by day, and in a day yet to come, in fullness of glory and power when Christ returns on the clouds with His angels to gather us home.
To Jesus, the Son of Man and Son of God, the King, with the Father and the Spirit be the glory for ever and ever!