Easter Day 2023
(John 20 1 Peter 1 v 3-9)
This is Easter Day and worldwide something like two billion Christians are celebrating that our Saviour is risen.
On Friday He was crucified and died for our sins. Saturday He was in the tomb, descended to the dead. But it’s Sunday and the tomb is empty. Jesus is risen. He is alive, never to die again and to His followers is given the greatest hope.
There is life in the Son of God. There is life for flawed human beings like you and me if we’re prepared to turn from our sin and trust in Jesus. A new beginning, a life with meaning and purpose and a promise of resurrection for ourselves!
A new beginning.
Have you ever made mistakes, ever done something you later regretted, things that haunt your conscience to this day? Of course you have. We all have. The only person who never did was the Lord Jesus. But here’s the good news! Because He took our guilt and punishment on Himself on the cross we can be forgiven. There may still be short term consequences with other people here on earth but in heaven our guilty record has been deleted! Jesus has risen and ascended to the Father’s side where He intercedes for us so the Holy Spirit is poured out on us. This means we can have a new birth, a fresh start. We don’t have to stay stuck in past failure, we are set free to enjoy life reconciled with our Maker.
A life of meaning and purpose.
Christians are given a life with meaning and purpose.
There is tremendous confusion in the world these days as to what life is all about. People are concerned about identity and direction. Disney movies are a good indicator of this. The characters always seem to be searching for something, asking, Who am I? Why am I here?
I could answer those questions in a number of ways. Who am I? What am I here to do? I’m a husband, I’m a dad, I’m a Presbyterian Minister. I’m a biker, I’m a musician.
All of these have significance but none are as important as this: I am a follower of Jesus Christ! I am a follower of the One Who gave His life for me, the One Who has defeated death, the One Who reigns and holds the present and future in His love-scarred hands! This makes me a child of God. This is my primary identity and my main purpose in living is to invite others to trust and follow Jesus too!
Some days are happier and more enjoyable than others but that’s ok. Happiness is not the point. Knowing, obeying and serving our living Lord Jesus, these are what really matter.
A promise of resurrection.
Along with meaning and purpose here and now, Christians are promised a future secure in God’s loving plan. Jesus has gone ahead to prepare a place for those who love Him. Beyond this broken, spoilt and often painful present lies a glorious future, a promised land of wholeness and peace, an inheritance to share with our Saviour and all God’s children forever. We are promised nothing less than resurrection and eternal life just like our Lord and Master!
It’s Easter. Jesus has dealt with sin and death. He is risen, alive and victorious. Let us believe in Him with constant gratitude. Let us seek to live obediently and enthusiastically for Him. Let us do so confident in the promises of Scripture, that Christians have everything to live for and the best is yet to be!