‘Don’t count the days – make the days count.’
Now that makes sense to me. Something is coming at some point in the future. It could prove better than we dreamed or bitterly disappointing, but neither longing for it nor worrying about it will make it happen any sooner.
Today is the day we’ve been given to live, let’s live it with thanks and enthusiasm! Even the sad days can carry a poignant beauty so let’s not be complainers, but look for the opportunities to live with depth and meaning, practising faith, hope and love.
Moses prays solemnly in Ps 90 v 12 that God would teach us to ‘number our days’ wisely, in other words to recognize we’ll not be here like this forever so we dare not waste time or practise selfish corruption, not when a holy God is assessing our performance!
We should balance that with the advice of Christ Himself Who wryly suggests we shouldn’t worry about tomorrow because that day will have ‘enough’ worry of its own. (Matthew 6 v 33-34) Put God first and trust in Him, He urges, for our Heavenly Father knows what we need even before we ask! (v8)
And perhaps we could also add a word from the Apostle Paul who instructs people of faith to ‘make the most of every opportunity’ to ‘shine’ like Christ (by the power of His Spirit) in the goodness we show to others. (Ephesians 5 v 16) Make today count with good words and actions done in Jesus’ name!
We don’t know how many days we’ll have to spend in this present life. Some don’t get that many. We’ll have an eternity to savour God’s grace in heavenly perfection but for now we just have one day.
Let’s make it count.