And then it will be here and gone in the twinkle of an eye!
I’m not being a wet blanket, I love Christmas – celebrating the coming of my Lord and Saviour, come on! – plus our family being together, the hugs, the coffee excursions, the craic, bring it on!
I’m just aware that very quickly we are going to be into 2017 with all that ‘uncertainty’ the news channels are ruminating about. There’s no doubt there will be changes and challenges in the short term, but the doomsday prophets predicting global cataclysm may in fact be being a little short-sighted.
This thought is quite short, just a verse from my reading this morning. It may initially seem a bit simple but the truth expressed here is profound, undergirding the world present and future and giving comfort and perspective to those who accept it.
The 1st century Christian leader Paul is drawing near the end of what would be his magnum opus, the majestic New Testament book of Romans. He has been enthusing against a backdrop of Nero’s failing megalomania that God is actually at work doing something much more epic through Jesus, building an eternal kingdom that will welcome people of all nationalities and backgrounds. Bigger than Microsoft, Apple and Facebook put together the Almighty is truly global in His application of grace!
There will be real cataclysm when God judges universal sin on what the Bible refers to as the ‘Day of Judgement’ but those who take refuge in Christ will be covered, exempt, ‘saved’.
Global redemption!
So despite the real possibility of short term trouble and disaster the ultimate finale of history is in safe hands. Hands scarred from loving sacrifice actually.
And so we read:
‘May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.’ (Romans 15 v 13)
Amen to that.