I was pretty young back then, not yet walking or talking, just eating, sleeping, nappies, the usual. Hardly headline stuff.
The headlines that day were about the Civil Rights march in Washington DC at which Dr Martin Luther King made his legendary ‘I have a dream’ speech. It features briefly in this Sunday’s sermon on Amos 5 which will be found on the church websites and here on wordsurfers.com under ‘Other Sermons’.
‘I have a dream’, it’s a common theme. We might think of John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ or the comic number in Disney’s ‘Tangled’ animation. Everyone has dreams. Let me share one of mine.
I have a dream, I dream of friends meeting in their local pub or elsewhere and having fun. That we could meet in peace and play our music, enjoy our sport with all the passion, banter, colour, camaraderie and love, and do it all with little or no alcohol!
I dream of brilliant times unspoilt by things said or done ‘under the influence’, good times that we can remember with a smile, not regret.
Sure while I’m talking let me share another for I have another, related dream!
I dream of young people going out together and dancing to their hearts’ content, and coming home safe by midnight. No abuse, no broken trust, rather celebration and enjoyment with respect, consideration, protection.
Ridiculously naïve? Perhaps. In the short term at least. But I refuse to give up these dreams because I think I’m on a good track here.
The New Testament speaks of Christ returning in heavenly glory and power to finally end evil and share His resurrection with His followers. Read the last couple of chapters of Revelation. There’ll be no more war, sickness, hunger and no more sin either. No more good times spoilt by our selfishness or self-destructive folly.
Could that heavenly new world order be any less colourful or beautiful than this fallen one? I can’t see it. Surely it will be more splendid than ever! I dream of all the God-given human gifts of music and strength and art perfected, enhanced and employed in shameless celebration of our Saviour. The family of His redeemed joining with the angelic host in endless love and worship.
Yep, I have a dream but it is not mine alone. It’s a promise given to every child of God and we don’t mind sharing!
Come and follow our Master Jesus and it can be yours too.