Like boy has this winter been stormy!
I was watching out the study window the other day and this goose was flapping like fury but getting nowhere. He was flying into the wind and it seemed like the proverbial brick wall. For all his effort he was like staying in the one place, zero progress.
And I’m sitting there thinking, why doesn’t he just turn around?
I mean Scandinavia must be nice this time of year. Why does it always have to be Greenland? From where I was sitting, Sweden looked the more attractive option. Certainly the easier journey!
Of course Mr Goose probably doesn’t realise he has options. He’s just sticking to the traditional route.
Like the Pharisees in Jesus’ day. The Gospels contain numerous episodes like Luke 6 v 6-11 where Jesus did something wonderful and God-honouring, but the religious establishment immediately discussed how they might get rid of Him because it didn’t fit with their idea of Sabbath observance!
They were zealously defending the traditions handed down by their forefathers, oblivious, or perhaps in truth willfully blind to the fact that the Spirit of God was blowing in a new direction.
So they couldn’t or wouldn’t see the real, dynamic presence of God in the words and actions of Jesus of Nazareth.
It seems to be a thing with some religious people. Defend orthodoxy at all costs, even if actual, interactive faith died a long time ago. Flap ‘til you drop and get nowhere!
Wouldn’t it be better if we turned and went with the Spirit’s flow, letting Him show us some new territory? Same Jesus, but fresh and alive, challenging, motivating, heart-renewing, soul-transforming and r-e-a-l.
Let the other birds think what they like. This direction takes us places, the Wind of God empowering us to do His will like never before.
You coming?