The website was created in May 2014 to encourage people to read the Bible, think about life and consider faith in Jesus Christ. 12 months later that objective remains unchanged.
It’s exciting to know the website has regular readers from all over Ireland and the UK, and even some visitors from Ukraine and the USA. Feel free to share the site via social media and recommend it to friends!
This month we’re adding two new features.
‘Cool Readings’ is a selection of passages/chapters from both Old and New Testaments with short introductions to help you find your bearings. There are 12 for starters and more will follow. One example from Ephesians 2 is printed here in full to give you the idea.
‘Gallery’ is just that, a selection of pics to make us think, smile, admire, be thankful or maybe reflect solemnly! The one reproduced here is the cross in the Famine Graveyard above Dunfanaghy, Co. Donegal.
Thanks for sharing the ‘wave’. The Lord bless you!
Andrew Watson
Ephesians 2 v 1-10: Amazing, life-bringing grace.
Christians don’t belong there anymore.
Not in the corrupt, never-satisfied ‘world’ of society without God.
We now belong with Jesus, our crucified and risen Lord and Master. God has saved us from our old, self-destructive way of going, which in truth was like living death, and brought us to a whole new quality of life.
Spiritual life, with a live connection to Jesus. So we belong where He does. It’s like we already have a reserved seat in Heaven!
It’s not even our doing, it’s His. He has begun the comprehensive work of releasing us from sin’s grip to live as we should, Heaven-ready.
Our little bit is the faith. His is the epic, undeserved, life-changing power.
He calls it ‘grace’.
Quite rightly we call it amazing.