‘50% Extra Free!’
‘Bonus Tracks!’
Someone somewhere has done their calculations and we still pay one way or another.
But occasionally life throws up genuine ‘bonus features’, unexpected pleasures with no hidden strings.
In Edinburgh Scotland once for a wedding we discovered the car hire company had given us a high spec 3L V6 Sport saloon. Assuming some mistake my conscience stricken wife phoned the company whose rep didn’t seem too phased.
‘Is the car alright?’ he enquired, ‘Does your husband like it ok?’
‘He hasn’t stopped grinning since he got into it’ she replied!
Sometimes we’re given extra, without having to ask. Some days come with bonus features.
Christians shouldn’t really be surprised at this for Jesus teaches that God is not just an awesome Creator/Ruler/Judge but also a generous Father and Provider Who delights to give ‘good gifts’ to His dear children.
‘He Who did not spare His own Son but freely gave Him up for us all – how will He not also, along with Him, graciously give us all things?’ the Apostle Paul asks in Romans 8v32.
‘If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, Who gives generously to all without finding fault…’ adds James in his New Testament letter 1v5.
Perhaps James was remembering the Old Testament account of a young king, fresh to the throne who prayed God would grant him wisdom to govern well. God was pleased with this request and gave Solomon not only great discernment and success in ruling, but great wealth and fame as well.
God gave His Son on the cross for our sins to be dealt with. He not only promises resurrection and eternal life like Christ in the future, He gives continually of His Holy Spirit now that we might have all we need for everyday living in joyful obedience.
And when, like the young Solomon, we live to honour and serve God, faithfully tithing and sharing our resources as generous stewards, there will be inevitable trials but also many, many ‘bonus features’!
The Bible promises God shall meet all our needs ‘according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 4v19)
Praise and thanks be to God!