‘Finding our way Home’ is a collection of prayers and reflections celebrating the good things God provides for us in this life, but encouraging us to find ultimate rest and security in Him. Our most vital ‘homecoming’ is when we trust His Word, humbly accept His grace and decide to follow Jesus!
The book will be available to purchase online from veritas.ie and Amazon, and in certain bookshops.
St. Francis of Assisi is said to have taught the often quoted, ‘Preach the Gospel, if necessary use words.’ Christians spread the Gospel by dramatic acts of kindness and hospitality, humble integrity and passionate zeal for not only worship but things like justice. And we are glad of opportunities to speak of our Lord and Master Who so inspires and motivates us!
The Apostle Paul writes, ‘I have become all things to all men that by all means I may save some.’ (1 Corinthians 9v23) We are happy to use any and all means to spread the good news of reconciliation with our Holy Creator and Judge and the promise of an eternal home through Christ.
I’m thrilled to have this new avenue of opportunity for sharing and pray this book will go far and wide. May it glorify the Lord and prove an encouragement and blessing to many.