Have you reneged already and plundered the biscuit tin, or pulled the duvet tighter instead of taking that early morning run you’d promised yourself?
A lot of resolutions are not taken seriously to start with so barely stretch beyond the first week of January. Perhaps we shouldn’t bother.
Or perhaps we should consider something altogether deeper. This weekend in church we are reading about Mary and Joseph bringing the week-old Jesus to be dedicated in the Temple. (Luke 2) We’ll consider how their faithful worship and sincere example helped nurture the child who would grow to become Saviour of the world.
It reminds me of the Old Testament account of Hannah who had difficulty conceiving, who prayed earnestly for a child and dedicated them to God’s service before they were even born. (Samuel 1) The first son she bore was Samuel who grew to become a great and beneficial leader in Israel.
And I’m thinking we could do worse than resolve to pray every day of this new year for the children and young people in our lives.
Every day we are given to wake up and breath and think, before we do anything else, before even our feet touch the floor, let’s name our dear ones before Heaven’s throne.
- Dear God have mercy upon us for Jesus’ sake. Father forgive us, save us, and our children, visit our homes with your grace, protect and bless us in our education, work and travel but more, lead us in your ways, make us all a blessing to those we meet.
Don’t waste your breath this year promising a diet or something else that will never happen. Spend it inviting the Lord to touch your family and friends with His goodness. And encourage others to do likewise.
The whole community will know the benefit!