It’s no big deal, we can get a new bulb when we’re out later but meanwhile an urgent state of local emergency has been declared. The room has no window so no natural light. Close the door and it’s dark as a monkey’s armpit. This has created potentially hazardous situations. There are numerous chemical substances in there, toothpaste, shaving gel, haemorrhoid cream. Any of these mistakenly applied could be, well, embarrassing. And what with trying to find the loo in the pitch black…things could get messy. The sooner light is restored the better.
Then again bright light early in the morning can be stressful too. Who is that dishevelled gargoyle squinting out of the mirror at us? Maybe we should just have stayed in bed awhile…
Light is necessary but sometimes uncomfortable as it shows us things that need attention.
We’re studying John’s Gospel these Sundays and Jesus Christ has just declared Himself to be the ‘Light of the world’. In some ways this is all very nice as people like Nicodemus, the woman at the well, a hungry crowd, a disabled person and a man born blind are all discovering the possibility of new, ‘abundant’ life in the forgiving, healing love of the Lord.
But things can’t stay the same. Trusting Him means we can’t knowingly continue to ‘walk in darkness’. Jesus doesn’t condemn or stone the woman caught committing adultery, in fact He saves her life, but tells her straight she needs to change her ways. Some of those in authority have no intention of changing anything. They want to hold on to their limited control and privilege so are plotting to get rid of the Nazarene preacher.
In these Bible passages Jesus sadly reflects that too often people ‘love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil’. Not a good idea when we remember there is a coming judgement! A better idea would be to submit to the divine Son of God Who loves and gave Himself to save us, and walk in His light from now on.
I’m going to go get a light bulb so I can walk in my bathroom and clean up.
Sounds like a plan. Have a good day!