I don’t do kayaking but I can see how essential a piece of kit the aforementioned equipment would be.
With a paddle there is some means of getting somewhere, we can employ some energy usefully to power the boat along.
More, the paddle can be used to steer us back into the right course. Ah, so this is where we’re meant to go!
I’m reliably informed that the paddle can even be used as a temporary ‘anchor’. Apparently holding it straight down in the water prevents us from drifting too far with the current. That’s reassuring.
So let’s not try kayaking without one.
In fact we shouldn’t try living life at all without the appropriate help provided.
Jesus, the Rescuer sent by God promised His followers we would receive power from the Holy Spirit to live as we should, obedient in the knowledge of God’s love.
Referring to the famous 23rd Psalm in the Old Testament, Jesus spoke of Himself as ‘the Good Shepherd’, present with His ‘flock’ to guide and provide.
Knowing this, and that Jesus laid down his life and rose triumphant over death so our sins could be forgiven and we be forever welcomed as God’s children gives His followers a wonderful ‘fixed point’ in our lives, whatever happens.
‘We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll,
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move,
Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour’s love!’