Before I’m out of bed or even have my eyes properly open a battle has begun. With the jumble of half-dream thoughts that are pushing for attention in my brain.
There’s that thing I must do later which I’ve been putting off, one of those things I really don’t enjoy. Ah, but then there are other worthwhile encounters I can anticipate with pleasure. Did I hear rain on the window during the night? What sort of a day is it going to be? What will the driving conditions be like?
I hope the kids are ok. Lord be with them, keep us all safe on the roads.
Oh, here comes a line of thought, like an old suspect, an injury from long ago that doesn’t want to heal. In an instant I’m rehearsing that conversation, saying those things I imagine I’d like to say but probably shouldn’t. Yeah, but I’m getting wise to this one, and the twin mistresses of self-pity and malice that are waiting just behind to rush in and set an unholy course for my day.
To battle then, taking captive such venomous invaders before they take ground! In my own head and heart is where the battle must be fought and won first!
My Master in His Word teaches me to commit all to God in prayer and to purposely think on things that are good, wholesome and praiseworthy. (Philippians 4 v 1-8) So I pray grace and light for those who have wounded me and forgiveness for us all, for we have all sinned in many ways. I pray comfort and protection for the innocent caught up in the ‘collateral damage’ of our human twistedness. I rejoice that our gracious Lord is still in control of everything and that countless opportunities still exist to do good things this day. I celebrate the signs of His presence and kindness in and around those I care about. I offer my thanks and praise and life and ability and resources to our matchless Saviour. Yes Lord, take my life, make me an effective witness today, a blessing to those I meet.
Now I’m up and walking, heading for the kitchen and coffee!
By the grace of God I’m winning and I feel good!