And UK cinemas have banned it in case some people find it offensive!
Says a lot about where 21st century culture is with ‘tolerance’!
But it also gives Christians everywhere an opportunity to exercise a little ‘joyful defiance’. I’m remembering that when threatened by the same intimidating authorities that had their Master crucified, early disciples Peter and John replied, ‘Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God’s sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard.’ (Acts 4 v 19-20) They met together again to pray, and went on to change the world.
Therefore I would encourage Christians everywhere to take the words our Lord gave us and pray them more than ever! Say this prayer in your home every day. Say it quietly on your break in school, college or work. On the bus, in the car, on the station platform or in the airport. While foddering the livestock. While jogging in the gym. When we wake, and when we lie down. Let’s seek the infusion of every place and activity with the presence and influence of Christ! Undaunted by the shameful attempts of some in the world to silence us, let us pray and watch God’s Kingdom come!
The C of E video can be found on Youtube:
Watch it and share on social media. Ask your friends to do the same.
Everywhere I am privileged to minister I will certainly continue to use God’s Word, including this prayer - in church services each week, in homes, schools, every opportunity. I will always encourage people to pray, and pray frequently, for ourselves, our families and community.
Grace and peace, enlightenment and life-changing power from God and our Lord Jesus Christ to all!