Turns out behind the gate is a small water works for getting rid of waste water. There used to be a small ‘Gospel Hall’ nearby, hence the name on the sign.
Sometimes I’ve thought of mischievous alternative titles for church. My favourite for some time has been ‘Sinners Anonymous’, a fellowship of people levelled by our common guilty addictions, who are nevertheless trusting in a ‘Higher Power’ and supporting each other on the path to recovery and freedom.
Now I may have found a new one.
‘Gospel Pumping Station’. I like that.
For how else do we get rid of the waste material in our hearts and minds? The bitter wounds which refuse to heal? The temptations which keep dragging us backwards into darkness? The sludge of shame, fear and confusion that clogs our living as a result?
Answer - by opening the sluice gates and welcoming the flood of the Gospel! The cleansing, forgiving love of God in Jesus! The refreshing, life giving presence and power of the Holy Spirit!
Jesus said, ‘Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life… Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.’ (John 4 v 14 and 7 v38)
This ‘Good News’ message jettisons the garbage and fills us with new life and hope. Fresh, clean, good to go. Come get some!