‘I’m drawing a picture of God.’ came the reply.
‘That’s nice,’ said the teacher, ‘although no one really knows what God looks like.’
‘They will when I’m finished.’ said the child.
Jesus loved little children. On the first Palm Sunday He chased the crooked traders from God’s House and welcomed little children. Sure, they were noisy but they loved Jesus and trusted Him implicitly. (Matthew 21 v 15-16)
On another occasion He told His disciples they needed to ‘convert’, to be changed to become more trusting like little children if they wanted to see and enter God’s kingdom. (Matthew 18 v 1-4)
A childlike heart is open to miracles.
Open to love.
Open to God.
In John 1 v 12 we’re promised that, whatever age we are, to those who receive Him and believe in His name, Jesus gives power to become ‘children of God’.
So that, even if our best art really can’t do Him justice in the short term, we can look forward to one day seeing our Heavenly Father as He is, face to face.
And that will be glory.