I mean just a short while ago they were mean as anything, excluding poor Rudolph from any reindeer games because of his unfortunate nasal issues, but now Santa has weighed in and Rudolph is guiding the sleigh this foggy Christmas Eve, suddenly they’re all sweetness and light, Rudolph and his shiny schnazz are flavour of the month and everything in the arctic garden appears as rosy as presumably possible in sub-zero temperatures but I don’t know…
Sorry for the slight rant there, it’s just certain reindeer.
I’m not convinced they’re completely sincere.
But the song makes you think.
Like could just one person make a real difference?
Make ordinary people think, speak and behave differently, genuinely?
Make us honest, kind, forgiving.
Isn’t that what we’re supposed to be celebrating at Christmas? That one outstanding person once lived, died and lives again to transform pathological sinners and religious hypocrites like us into true disciples and gracious servants? That’s what it says in the Book:
‘For those God foreknew He also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, that He might be the first among many brothers.’ (Romans 8 v 29)
One person, making all the difference!
I don’t know about you, but something in me really wants to believe in this for Heaven knows, the world needs it!
Even if I am still a tad suspicious of reindeer…