If you want to achieve results like in the picture, a lot more care will be required. Championship archers will adjust their grip on the bowstring one thread width at a time to get that perfect gold!
Similarly in life, if we just drift along aimlessly our achievements won’t amount to much.
The Bible starts from the sober assessment that we’ve all missed the mark already, that we’ve ‘fallen short’ of what our Maker created us to be. Instead of scoring perfect tens with God’s Commandments we’ve been lucky to land a couple of sixes and maybe a four!
Christians are those who have acknowledged their failure and trusted in the only One to have scored 100% with His life, Jesus. We rest on the mercy that comes to us through His sacrifice on the cross.
This being understood, we should aim with each new day to make a better job of things. The Apostle Paul freely admits he hasn’t reached perfection yet but says,
‘Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus.’ (Philippians 3 v 13-14)
So, starting today-
We can aim to celebrate His grace and be joyful, grateful, happy people, as opposed to grumpy moaners who are always finding fault.
Whatever we work at, we can aim to provide an excellent service to our community, delivered with courtesy and integrity.
We can aim to welcome into our hearts the purity and compassion of our Master, and show these qualities in how we treat those around us, that the world we inhabit daily might see and be drawn to Jesus.
They might.
If Jesus’ followers start this day and every day with a clear and steady aim!