It’s just down a lane, not far off the main road, but you wouldn’t know it was there unless someone told you about it. I’ve been in the local parish a year now but only heard of it recently. So this rather special and wonderful thing has been there all along, close by, but for ages I’ve been driving past oblivious.
And I’m thinking: Jesus, Son of God come in the flesh, Immanuel, God with us, not far away but close by. God is nearer than we realise! But we often just carry on regardless without taking time out to seek His grace or His counsel.
And I’m remembering a couple of instances in the Bible where people had moments of ‘Jesus realisation’ if I could call it that.
Like when Simon Peter lets Jesus use his moored boat as an impromptu pulpit and then assist the fishermen land a supernaturally record catch. Suddenly Peter realises this is no ordinary carpenter, that somehow the Almighty has come near, is present in his boat, and fearfully says, ‘Go away Lord, I’m a sinful man.’ (Luke 5 v 8)
Perhaps the Lord is closer than we think when we are in our workplace. That thought should affect the way we approach our work, and those with whom we work!
The other is when Jesus joins two disciples walking down the road to Emmaus, the evening after he has risen from the dead. Reports are still sketchy, their mood confused and they don’t recognise Him at first. Not until He joins them for a meal and breaks the bread in their home. Suddenly they realise their crucified Master is alive and victorious, that the Almighty has again come near, has visited their place, and their hearts are comforted and thrilled. (Luke 24 v 30-32)
So- Jesus, God closer than we think, prepared to join us at work, at home.
The question is whether or not we are open to realise it.
He’s close by, ready to challenge and willing to comfort, but will we dare make time for the meeting?