It seemed a coincidence as my reading the day before had been from Luke 17 where Jesus, Son of God, mentions these two Old Testament characters. Both men witnessed cataclysmic judgement from Heaven on violent and abusive societies. Noah was saved in the Ark as the world of his day was purged by the flood and Lot was rescued by angels just before fire rained down on Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jesus’ words make sobering reading. He says the people of those days were going about their business as usual, ‘eating, drinking, marrying…buying, selling, planting, building’, thinking everything was ok when suddenly they were overtaken by disaster. Then He declares it will be just the same in the future when He returns in glory, as the Creed says ‘to judge the living and the dead’!
Human beings doing their business, love and recreation as usual with little or no reference to God, then Wham! Time up.
Seems to me one of two things might need to happen here.
God might need to issue an apology to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and those who perished in the flood, admitting He was wrong for being judgemental and basically change His stance on a few things in line with modern thinking.
Or we might need to do what it said on that sign.
‘The Lord is not slow in keeping His promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.’ (2 Peter 3 v 9)