To them it was something to hide under the bed in embarrassment, but to me it was the greatest invention since sliced loaf.
The ‘man bag’.
Hallelujah that in this enlightened 21st Century it’s ok for men to carry bags! The first guy I ever saw with one was our French Assistant at school, but that was a seriously long time ago (and to be honest we all thought he was a bit peculiar).
I have since been introduced to the genius of the said article and what a useful thing it is! I mean where else does a man my age carry his i-pod, penknife and harmonica, not to mention his reading glasses, prescription medication and photo-ID with name and address in case we’re stopped by Security, or are overtaken by the sudden onset of dementia?
The unwanted gift has turned out to be a real Godsend.
A bit like the first Christmas present all those years ago. We hear about it in Carol Services every Christmas:
‘He came to that which was His own but His own did not receive Him.’ (John 1 v 11)
Now there’s a tragedy. The Son of God, the King and Saviour we all need was given to the world. But most people are so put off by religious art or religious people they never read beyond John 1. They don’t think they want this Gift.
If only they would read on…
In ch2 the adult Jesus turns 120 gallons of water into top quality wine for a wedding celebration and throws crooks and hypocrites out of the Temple courts. Interesting combination don’t you think? In ch3 He discusses the nature of true spirituality with Nicodemus, who is baffled but intrigued to know more.
Don’t take my word for it. John is an eye-witness. He was there. Read the primary source for yourself.
Don’t ignore or decide you don’t want this gift before checking Jesus out properly. Because like me with the man bag, you might discover a gift with more promise than you’d realised!
‘To those who received Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God.’ (John 1 v 12)
Peace, hope and much joy to you and those you love in 2015.