The people voted, and now those chosen must try and somehow form an effective administration. Like all governments of liberal democracies, this one must be accountable for the decisions it makes.
Which means that they will be blamed for every conceivable fault, accused of every imaginable misdemeanour and publically ridiculed on a daily basis. For such is many people’s idea of ‘free speech’ these days!
While there is a place for constructive criticism in a free society, I often wonder the lessons we are teaching upcoming generations about good citizenship, not to mention common courtesy and respect.
I’m reminded that the Apostles who wrote the New Testament urge Christians to pay their taxes and respectfully pray for those in government, recognising they are only in power by the permission of Almighty God. (Romans 13 v 1-7, 1 Timothy 2 v 1-2) And they were writing in the days of psychotic tyrants such as the Emperor Nero!
One day the entire world population will bow their knee, like it or not, to the returning ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’, Jesus, Son of God. All authority in heaven and on earth already belongs ultimately to Him.
So in humility and obedience to His Word let us pray for the new Irish Government to be formed, and every government.
Something like this might be good:
Lord, thank you for the gifts you give people to organize things.
Thank you for those who are willing to take on responsibility.
Thank you for government, elected representatives and public service workers.
Thank you for people in charge.
Sometimes we get cynical for it seems that having power can corrupt us,
And those in charge can become distant and self–interested.
But with reverence for you, the ultimate Ruler over all your creation,
And in obedience to your Word, we pray for those set over us.
Grant them wisdom to discern what is just and fair,
That good ideas might be put into good action.
Give them humility to listen, and learn from mistakes,
That they might be worthy examples to us all.
Give them compassion to legislate what will benefit everyone,
That peace may flourish and spread.
Give them conscience and courage like Moses, to lead in what is right,
That our community, country and world might know your blessing.
As we pray for those who must lead, we remember those who must follow.
Make us all good citizens/members, doing our bit, paying our share,
Supporting one another by observing the rules,
And practising love.